Language for Fun teachers have been forced to suspend their lessons for their own safety and that of their learners. We would like to thank you all for your understanding and support at this difficult time.
We recognise that for some learners our classes are a vital social outlet and source of friendship. For this reason, many of our teachers are now offering their usual lessons online to help those who may be isolated.
Licensees who are unable to do this – who may have children at home or caring responsibilities – are finding other creative ways of keeping in touch. We would encourage you to contact them for more details.
We have also started French, Spanish and Italian-specific Facebook groups to help you chat to other learners and support independent study. Just click on the links in bold.
Language for Fun is proud to see the bravery and creativity of our teachers and learners in coping with this unprecedented crisis. We will continue to offer lovely learning together in different ways until things return to normal.
À bientôt, hasta pronto, a presto,
The Language for Fun Team x