
Staffordshire Moorlands / Spanish

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Quote Icon Spanish for Fun in the Staffordshire Moorlands

Lovely, lively Spanish lessons have arrived to the Staffordshire Moorlands!
I am accepting students for my Face-to-face and Online Classes for the Summer term.

If you are interested in trying Spanish for the first time or have previous experience and want to improve your base skills this could be just the type of class you are looking for: relaxed, sociable and good fun, with no exams, no stress or being put on the spot!
They follow a carefully structured program which can take you all the way from a complete Beginner to Advanced level.

Have you visited my Facebook page? fb.me/spanishforfunstaffordshiremoorlands. You will be able to see any updates about my courses and also some Spanish tips!

If you would like to know more just get in touch :)

¡Hasta pronto!
Laura J x

Beginner Courses
Sat 05/07/25
2 lessons
10.00am - 1.30pm
Kingsley Holt Centre
Laura Jodar
Course teacher
Sat 05/04/25
2 lessons
10.00am - 1.30pm
Laura Jodar
Course teacher
Wed 30/04/25
10 lessons
11.00am - 12.15pm
Laura Jodar
Course teacher
Sat 08/03/25
2 lessons
10.00am - 1.30pm
Kingsley Holt Centre
Laura Jodar
Course teacher
Mon 28/04/25
10 lessons
8.00pm - 9.15pm
Laura Jodar
Course teacher
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Improver Courses
Tue 29/04/25
10 lessons
8.00pm - 9.15pm
Laura Jodar
Course teacher
Mon 28/04/25
10 lessons
6.30pm - 7.45pm
Laura Jodar
Course teacher
Advanced Courses
Thu 01/05/25
10 lessons
8.00pm - 9.15pm
Laura Jodar
Course teacher
Tutor Icon Our Course Teachers
Laura Jodar Languages taught:
Spanish FlagSpanish
Tuition levels:
Beginner Improver Intermediate Advanced
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¡Hola! My name is Laura. I’m from Alicante, Spain and I’ve been living in the UK for 15 years. I originally came to England just for a year to learn the language but I ended falling in love and staying for all this time. I lived in several places in the UK but I finally found my home in Staffordshire where I live with my husband and our little bilingual boy.

In my personal time I love to read and listen to music. But my biggest passion is travelling! I also love languages and be able to communicate with people from different cultures and countries so that’s why I ended working with Language for Fun! where I get to communicate with others about my culture and language in a fun but educational way.

After teaching as a Tutor for Languages for Fun for a while I enjoyed so much teaching their materials and having fun with my students that I soon became a licensee to teach Spanish in the Staffordshire Moorlands and online.

¡Hasta pronto!
Laura J x

How does Language for Fun work?
Our Fantastic Courses

1. Browse our fantastic courses

Search through our extensive range of courses to find the perfect course for you! Choose from Beginners, Improvers, Intermediate and Advanced courses.

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2. Book onto a course that's convenient for you

If you don't see the perfect course for you, scroll to the bottom of the page to find your nearest language schools and ask the local franchisee if they could start a class on a day or time to suit you.

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3. Start your exciting new journey

Some of our learners have been with us for 15 years! Be patient with yourself - the process of learning a language is never complete but each term you should be that bit more confident to use your newfound skills and get the most out of your travels.