
End of term social at The Peartree Creperie, Heart of the Country, Lichfield

18/12/2018 - End of term social at The Peartree Creperie, Heart of the Country, Lichfield

15 of us went for a brunch at The Peartree Creperie, we listened to some French carols “vive le vent” (sounds like jingle bells but the words are quite different) and “il est né le divin enfant” and sang along as best we could whilst wearing our Christmas jumpers and hats – we attempted a quiz about French traditions but it was a little complicated for our end of term/Christmas state of mind – the galettes and crepes were delicious as was the mulled wine  – my French friend Catherine came along and my learners loved chatting to her before she headed off back to Marseille for Christmas.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année

