
Spanish Flag Spanish - Beginner

Revision / Rothwell Baptist Church

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This course is ideal for people with some previous knowledge of Spanish to a basic level and have some basic understanding of the grammar.

People who have had some experience, perhaps from holidays etc, but still want to improve.

People who have been trying to learn using “apps” and have become disillusioned?

People who want to speak Spanish whilst on holiday.

People who have a holiday home in Spain, or who are thinking of moving/retiring there and would like to be able to communicate with Spanish people.

Our friendly and fun 90-minute, value for money lessons will get you speaking Spanish straight away and can be built on at each lesson. We have been teaching Spanish to learners in Leeds for over 5 years now and we have many competent and confident Spanish speakers, many of whom have become friends, and would no doubt be happy to endorse what we do. Why don’t you become one of them and start your Spanish speaking journey?

What's included?
  • 10 x 90 minute lessons weekly, with recaps weekly
  • Full lesson cards and learning sheets
  • On-line video recap and lesson consolidation
  • Access to Virtual Learning Experience for additional learning
  • Fun
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Course length: 10 lessons
Teacher: Steve Hodgson

Beginner - Revision Course Information
Starting Date: 14/04/2025
Lesson Duration: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
This is review course of the beginner 1,2 and 3 courses, and is perfect for consolidating a lot of the basic content learned in the first 3 beginners courses. It is also good for those that have some previous knowledge and are looking to pick up their Spanish learning again. The lessons will currently be held in the Babtist church on Wood lane Rothwell, in a private room seating up to 12 people, with toilets and kitchen. We will have face to face lessons in groups. Lesson plans are typically structured to be one hour long, but we will do an additional 30 minutes, to incorporate more learning. The lessons will include learning key words and phrases, which will be repeated on a video that learners have unlimited access to and these will be re-capped the following week. No exams or tests will be included, and no pressure is ever put on an individual, moreover we work in pairs or groups, and more importantly, we have fun! Should anyone need to miss a lesson, this is not a problem, as learners can access the whole lesson, including a video recap from the online virtual learning experience (VLE) and we always re-cap the week after anyway, At the end of the course, there is an option to go out as a group to a local Spanish tapas bar, where people can practice, if they wish, what they have learned by speaking a little Spanish to the waiters and waitresses etc. (no pressure though) but it's a good opportunity to try a few words and phrases with Spanish people. The food is good, everyone always enjoys the evening, and some have become friends as a result of their Spanish learning journey. For the first time, in March 2023, we had a group trip to Spain for 3 nights. This was be a great opportunity for people at different levels of Spanish to practice speaking the language, but just as important, practice listening to Spanish, not just with waiters, hotel reception etc, but with dedicated language exchange students that was organised during the trip. It is also another opportunity to make new friends and discuss a common subject "Spanish" the trip was a great success, so we did a second trip in November 2023, another in November 2024. This year 2025, we have a trip booked to Granada in April, we will do a trip to Malaga and Cordoba in November and in March 2026, we will do a SKI immersion trip to the Spanish ski resort of Sierra Nevada. It is anticipated that we will do at least two Spanish immersion trips each year, typically to authentic Spanish cities where there is very little tourism and therefore more opportunity to practice speaking and listening to Spanish.
Map Marker Icon Course Location(s)
Rothwell Baptist Church 97 Wood Lane,
West Yorkshire,
LS26 0PG
Tutor Icon Course Teacher
Steve Hodgson Languages taught:
Spanish FlagSpanish
Tuition levels:
Beginner Improver Intermediate Advanced
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Steve started with Language for Fun in 2019 and has many happy learners. His interest in the Spanish language began back in 1987 when he went to work in Spain as a holiday rep. His journey began in Menorca and ended in Benidorm in 1997. During the ten years working overseas in various Spanish resorts, Steve developed a love for Spain, its culture and its language and that passion continues to this day, over 30 years later.

Steve perfected his conversational and grammatical understanding of Spanish and is 100% self taught.

Steve believes that a major benefit to his overall comprehension of Spanish was the fact that he lived in Spain and was able to listen and observe the way the Spanish people spoke. It was almost like a constant and ongoing lesson for him and he picked up all the Spanish colloquialisms and ended up with a fairly decent Spanish accent.

During the winter of 1991/2 Steve took some time off to work in a ski resort in Andorra and took a job singing and playing guitar in a restaurant, he did some ski instructing for beginners and he also did some Spanish teaching to some of the British resort staff.

Steve finished his overseas career in 1997 and subsequently returned to the UK, but continued to visit Spain whenever he could and take holidays there in order to try and maintain a high level of Spanish. After all that work getting fluent in the language, it would have been a shame to lose it.

It has always been a dream of Steve's to teach Spanish, for two reasons:
1) The satisfaction from being able to pass on his knowledge to others and see them progress, as he remembers what it was like for him at the early stages.
2) It gives him the opportunity to keep speaking a language he loves.

Being a Spanish Teacher at Language for Fun, is the perfect opportunity for Steve to continue his journey through Spain, its culture and its language and he very much hopes you can join him.