If you’ve already mastered the basics, have some working knowledge of the present and future tenses, and fancy elevating your skills, then this could be the course for you.
This term we’ll be expanding your knowledge of the past tense (passé composé), talking about a range of topics within the theme of ‘Ma Semaine”, and equipping you with language to discuss daily activities, holidays etc.
The aim is very much to get you talking, and increase both your confidence and fluency!
Relaxed and sociable language classes with a difference. Get talking fast in a small, stress-free group with no tests and no compulsory homework.
Do please get in touch if you need to check whether this level would be the right one for you.
Hello, I’m Catherine, a dedicated and enthusiastic Francophile, and a PGCE qualified teacher with lots of experience from the front line of Scottish education.
My love of the French language began at school – I relished rolling those lovely sounds around in my mouth purely for pleasure, and that joy and appreciation has grown massively over the years. In my world, there is nothing more beautiful than French.
I did an intense and rather traditional French degree at St Andrews, and emerged fully capable of writing essays about Baudelaire, but still desperately timid when it came to negotiating the purchase of a train ticket. So, I went to live in small town France where nobody spoke English, and that’s when I really got infected and infatuated with the ‘real’ language that people use every day – for me, this is where the essence of speaking another language properly comes to life – through relationships and communication.
Having been through the business of learning French from an English-speaking perspective, I totally appreciate the challenges it can present, and understand how daunting it can be. That’s why the Language for Fun approach may well be right for you as it will allow you to build up confidence in a relaxed and informal setting, without feeling any pressure to ‘get it right’, never being put on the spot, or nagged about homework!
I would love to help you navigate your way to achieving your goals, whether that be embracing a stimulating new hobby or cultivating holiday French which will allow you to order that perfect glass of local wine…and I’m confident that you will thoroughly enjoy your experience en route.
Any questions or requests – please get in touch.
A bientôt, j’espère!