
Spanish Flag Spanish - Beginner

Level 2 / Online

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This course is suitable for learners who have some basic skills like counting, greetings and buying items. You will build up new vocabulary and learn useful language for getting by around town. By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Task for and give basic directions,
  • Ask what there is in the area,
  • Ask and say what time things open
  • Find out information about bus times
  • Order food in a restaurant
  • Say what you like and don’t like
What's included?
  • Physical worksheets and wordcards.
  • Your personal access to our Virtual Learning Environment. It offers you activities and games to help with your Spanish learning and progress.
  • Small friendly group.
  • Postage of the physical material.
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This licensee accepts: Bank transfer
5 Star average rating
View social events and other courses in Spanish for Fun in the Staffordshire Moorlands
Course length: 10 lessons
Teacher: Laura Jodar

Beginner - Level 2 Course Information
Starting Date: 28/04/2025
Lesson Duration: 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
Live classes will be with me and other fellow students (small groups) through a zoom meeting with materials. If you miss a class, not a problem, I will send you a brief summary by email so you can catch-up with the material. Payable per term in advance. This course runs every Monday starting 28/04/25 and will finish on 14/07/25. We will have two weeks break during this course - 12th of May and 9th of June.
Map Marker Icon Course Location(s)
Online Online,
Tutor Icon Course Teacher
Laura Jodar Languages taught:
Spanish FlagSpanish
Tuition levels:
Beginner Improver Intermediate Advanced
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¡Hola! My name is Laura. I’m from Alicante, Spain and I’ve been living in the UK for 15 years. I originally came to England just for a year to learn the language but I ended falling in love and staying for all this time. I lived in several places in the UK but I finally found my home in Staffordshire where I live with my husband and our little bilingual boy.

In my personal time I love to read and listen to music. But my biggest passion is travelling! I also love languages and be able to communicate with people from different cultures and countries so that’s why I ended working with Language for Fun! where I get to communicate with others about my culture and language in a fun but educational way.

After teaching as a Tutor for Languages for Fun for a while I enjoyed so much teaching their materials and having fun with my students that I soon became a licensee to teach Spanish in the Staffordshire Moorlands and online.

¡Hasta pronto!
Laura J x