
Spanish Flag Spanish - Beginner

Level 1 / Kingsley Holt Centre

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Quote Icon This course is ideal for:

Planning a holiday to Spain or any other Spanish speaking country? How about learning some key words and phrases to enrich your holiday experience?

Beginners Level 1

Real beginners or the truly terrified. This intensive course starts with the basics – 1, 2, 3, hola, ¿como estás?, gracias, por favor… but builds up quickly to short conversations based on your real life.

Contact me for further details on [email protected] or WhatsApp me on 07436 677023.

¡Hasta pronto!

Laura J x

What's included?
  • Physical worksheets and wordcards.
  • Your personal access to our Virtual Learning Environment. It offers you activities and games to help with your Spanish learning and progress.
  • Small friendly group.
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This licensee accepts: Bank transfer
5 Star average rating
View social events and other courses in Spanish for Fun in the Staffordshire Moorlands
Course length: 2 lessons
Teacher: Laura Jodar

Beginner - Level 1 Course Information
Starting Date: 05/07/2025
Lesson Duration: 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
This Intensive Spanish Course for Absolute Beginners will run during two consecutive Saturdays starting on the 05/07/25 and will finish on 12/07/25 (3.5 hrs each day). Payable in advance. You can make a £30 deposit to book your place now. Places will be allocated on a first payment basis.
Map Marker Icon Course Location(s)
Kingsley Holt Centre Churnet Valley Rd,
Kingsley Holt,
ST10 2BQ
Tutor Icon Course Teacher
Laura Jodar Languages taught:
Spanish FlagSpanish
Tuition levels:
Beginner Improver Intermediate Advanced
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¡Hola! My name is Laura. I’m from Alicante, Spain and I’ve been living in the UK for 15 years. I originally came to England just for a year to learn the language but I ended falling in love and staying for all this time. I lived in several places in the UK but I finally found my home in Staffordshire where I live with my husband and our little bilingual boy.

In my personal time I love to read and listen to music. But my biggest passion is travelling! I also love languages and be able to communicate with people from different cultures and countries so that’s why I ended working with Language for Fun! where I get to communicate with others about my culture and language in a fun but educational way.

After teaching as a Tutor for Languages for Fun for a while I enjoyed so much teaching their materials and having fun with my students that I soon became a licensee to teach Spanish in the Staffordshire Moorlands and online.

¡Hasta pronto!
Laura J x