Learners who are absolute beginners or rusty returners! Learning is designed to take you through every day spoken Spanish, while on holiday or on short visits. Each class builds to a spoken, scripted conversation, which we practise in pairs, in a relaxed and sociable atmosphere. On the way we learn new vocabulary as well as a bit of grammar, culture and pronunciation. We then have an opportunity to create our own conversation with lots of support and there is always an emphasis on Spanish for Fun! Learning is supported with course materials and access to online learning through the Virtual Learning Environment.
Beginner 1 Course Content
I've always been curious about languages and loved learning about other cultures. I have many happy childhood memories of communicating with locals on holidays abroad. This interest was heightened during secondary school language trips and I'm very happy to still be in contact with my first Spanish exchange family almost 30 years later! Having been in secondary education for 17 years, I love teaching a variety of languages and am excited to work in a different way using Language for Fun's fantastic materials. I know what it is like to be a complete beginner in a new language and have always sought to support learners in an understanding and approachable way. Their assessment-free approach, with optional homework, emphasises communication over perfection and puts the focus on enjoyable social interactions, without any undue pressure.
I graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2004 with a Commerce and Spanish degree, which included a year studying business at university in Madrid. I first realised I wanted to be a teacher after being asked to deliver an English lesson in a remote school in Chilean Patagonia. That was the start of my teaching journey which led me to complete a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education in 2008 and a Master's in Education in 2011. I have always been keen to continue improving my own skills and have completed formal qualifications in French and Italian over a number of years. I have been a secondary school teacher of French, Italian and Spanish since 2007 and was Head of Languages in a large diverse school from 2011 until my family and I moved down to the coast from London in 2023. I have always been a dedicated professional and was appointed as a Specialist Leader of Education and the Harrow Collegiate Alliance Subject Lead for Languages.
After just about surviving two house moves and extensive renovations, I am enjoying having more dedicated time with our young children and dog. I have a wealth of cultural experiences that have fed my enthusiasm for sharing my knowledge and I'm excited to help you on your language learning adventure. I hope my groups in Littlehampton and Worthing enjoy their lessons communicating for fun and developing exciting new skills along the way.